

Letters to the Editor

ItÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™s Time for Biden To Step Aside

Editor, News-Register: President Joe Biden has succeeded in implementing good policies for our future, recovering from TrumpÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™s chaotic disaster. But, presidents donÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™t get to create and administrate good policies unless they can communicate them well to the public, and debunk the ...

Examining Trump v. U.S. Ruling

Editor, News-Register: After the decision in Trump v. United States, I have seen a number of people comment that now a president could order the United States military to kill a specific individual. This statement has been expressed with some horror about that possibility. I understand that. ...

Consider Your Vote in November

Editor, News-Register: As I sit alone looking at the trees and sunlit cloudy sky, missing my husband who died in March of this year, I am thankful for all the men and women who gave their lives to save the world from facism in the 1940s. I think of all the families who mourned the loss of ...

Making Use of All Energy Sources

Editor, News-Register: Owning property is never easy and even harder when economic times are tough. When the stateÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™s economy is doing better, property values rise. When property values rise, owners can utilize equity and reinvest the money in home improvements and other capital expenditures. ...

Jerry West Was the Best of West Virginia

Editor, News-Register: Jerry West was a basketball genius and a defining figure in the NBA for more than 60 years. He distinguished himself not only as an NBA champion and an All-Star in all 14 of his playing seasons, but also as a consummate competitor who embraced the biggest moments. He ...

Encountering Kindness on Trails

Editor, News-Register: My daughter and I planned a biking trip from Coraopolis, Pa., to Weirton through the Montour and Panhandle trails. The ride was fabulous ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥” we passed by streams, small towns and beautiful nature. When we pulled into Weirton, it was already getting dark. While trying ...