

A Great Individual

Editor, News-Register:

Recently, I had the distinct privilege to chat with one of Wheeling’s finest individuals, Tom “Bear” Bechtel. I was attending my two youngest granddaughters’ softball game (eight years of age and younger) at the I-470 ballfields. Tom and I have known one another for nearly 50 years and when I noticed he had stopped by to watch an inning or two, I immediately walked up to him and we started talking about softball, basketball, football and the world in general. I introduced Tom to my two oldest granddaughters, ages 12 and 10. Tom spoke with them as if he had known them forever. After Tom said goodbye, the girls said, “Mr. Tom is really a nice man”. I replied, “Yes, he sure is.”

With the many awards and recognitions Tom has received over the years, he remains the Tom “Bear” Bechtel we have known for years! For decades, Tom has put his heart and soul into the I-470 complex. One can see Tom on any given day or evening, dragging the infield, watering the infield to control the dust and lining the field for the next game. Why does Tom continue to do this after all these years? Because he loves the game of softball and, more importantly, loves and respects our local youth.

Needless to say, the world needs more men like Tom “Bear” Bechtel. I’m extremely happy we have him in our little part of the world, Wheeling, WV.

Rick Kreitzer


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