

Faces of Progress 2022

Howard Gamble Enjoys Administrative Side of Public Health

WHEELING ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥“ Howard Gamble has been the face of the fight against COVID-19 in the Wheeling area since the pandemic began. His daily task as administrator of the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department has been to give the latest guidance regarding the virus, along with updating the public and ...

Jamie Crow Finds Joy, Fulfillment In Leading Elmhurst

WHEELING ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥“ A long career in meeting the needs of children shifted into a second career in caring for senior citizens for Jamie Crow, executive director of Elmhurst, The House of Friendship. Yet the underlying mission is the same for both roles ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥“ to provide comfort and support for those in ...

Robert Sproul is Hands-On With Public Health

ST. CLAIRSVILLE ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥“ Belmont County Deputy Health Director Robert Sproul has been a prominent local voice through the COVID-19 pandemic, but he has been addressing the areaÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™s health needs for years. ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥œItÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™s always good to help people. Growing up here, it was the coal and the steel of the ...

Kathie Brown: Leading Wheeling Health Right a Calling

WHEELING ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥“ Kathie Brown is proud of the way Wheeling Health Right has stepped up to serve the under-insured with its medical needs since its inception in 1984. Wheeling Health Right was established by Nancy Lipphardt, who brought the concept to Wheeling after starting a Health Right in ...

Dominick Cerrone: History, Quality Harmonize With Charm of Good Mansion Wines

WHEELING -- When the charms of WheelingÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™s history help open doors to an exciting new future, few local ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥es exemplify that harmonious coupling like Good Mansion Wines. First opened in 2006, the unique shop nestled in the neighborhood along 14th Street in East Wheeling came ...

John Ayers Creating Something Fun and Flavorful at Hanover Fuel Stop

John Ayers has some exciting plans for Hanover Fuel Stop in 2022. However, the hardest part of accomplishing those plans is getting products delivered. In 2021, Ayers expanded his ÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥ at the intersection of Ohio 7 and Hanover Street from 1,200 square foot to a whopping 5,000 square foot. ...